Monday, March 31, 2014

Mumbai Chapter

Hello Friends
After Tamilnadu its Mumbai where I got new project. It’s quite learning actually and  its another new work of foundation i.e Rock Anchoring. Life is so challenging here I never expect it would be busier schedule than in Tamilnadu. Because in TN I hardly went to site for maintenance activity on Sunday but here Almost every Sunday I go to work, and it’s disgusting. I dreamed that if I would be in Mumbai I will do this and that, now I have money, time on Sunday but I was wrong. Along with the places things also changes, after come to Mumbai I have place, money but no time to go somewhere to enjoy like trekking/night life etc.  but still I found something interesting to interact with new people through the couch surfing group. I was lucky to get such nice group. First meet-up which I joined is MAW (meet after work) which is organized by Biswjeet Ray (Jeet). I joined because it was on the same area where I live in Nerul. So I joined MAW. In the evening I went to jeet place and little bit scared because I didn’t knew anyone there; all were new to me and I didn’t know what to do in such meet-ups but somehow I went there and jeet welcomed me. Then introduction with all other surfers. It was nice to know them. They all were very friendly. There were 6-7 peoples Jeet , Sandy, Mahesh, jayendra, Ravi, koyal, kanchi and me. They all know each other except sandy as he is Jeet flat mate. Our conversation starts with introduction then some discussion on different topics, Jeet is awesome to make every sentence in double meaning and make us laugh and Mahesh he has great sense of humor to answer any question in funny way. Then after lot of discussion Jayendra who was in Airforce, played nice guitar. he played on few songs  we enjoyed lot but party still not stopped; so we went to top of the roof and that night there was shower of rain, Jayendra played guitar on roof it was very nice to listen guitar with the shower of rain and that too at 3-4am in the morning.. I feel like this is called life even unknown peoples make your PAGES OF LIFE so colorful; only thing you need to move on. When I came to Mumbai I was thinking to meet as many as friend but college friends got busy in their professional life   even on Sundays they have excuse or maybe they are really busy, more than anyone I was busy, worked even on Sundays till afternoon; but I always take out time for friends to meet. That CS meet up was one of the memorable meet up, after that many meet up/Disco parties etc were organized, but first  experience is first experience.
Me and Joke @H2O

Jayendra Jeet and Me @ Marimba Lounge

@H2O Lounge

                                                       @Jeet B'day Party Madh Island
Another advantage to be in Mumbai is I can go to do one day vipassana course @Global Pagoda and also attained the Mega course with Goenkaji . Sometimes I went to Dhammagiri for self course to strengthen my practice and also to see known faces there. About DhammaGiri, I want to mentioned that this was second home during college days, where I learned many things and developed myself in Dhamma and Annica while serving in Vipassana courses.  The first time I went to Dhammagiri was in 2008. I apply for to sit course but they confirmed me for serving the course.  First day I felt very inconvenient becoz nobody woke me up to do meditation as i was also dhammaserver. Then somebody help me and inspired me to do service and after that I served many courses then I sat. I enjoyed and learned many things during service. How our smile and folded hand convey the message to meditators in silence to let them know what’s wrong they had done. And how can we develop ourselves to serve others. Unless we don’t generate metta we can’t serve others.  During my fourth course @ Dhammagiri suddenly gratitude generates within me and I started crying on 11th day of discourse. The gratitude towards Goenkaji who taught Dhamma with love, Gratitude towards Dr. B.R. Ambedkar who show us and gave us the Wonderful Dhamma by embracing Buddhisam, Gratitude towards that Place DhammaGiri which was the Development center of my Good Kamma (Karma).
My Mom (middle) with other co-meditators @DG for Serving
Boundary of Spiritual Jail ;)
Apart from this Mumbai helps to reconnect the Pali friends. Sean my friend cum teacher; I used to went to Global pagoda to sit and met him. It was nice to met him. Once Daniel stuart (PHD Scholar in Buddhisam) came and it was nice to met him with his wife after 3 years. Also Adrian my Pali mate after year he came to sit 30 days course @ Tapovana.
 Daniel Me and Sean.

                                           Adrian and me
This Mumbai Chapter is incomplete without mentioning Joshua and Bhargav. My colleague in company with whom I used to go to watch movies on Saturday, eat outside, went to shopping and visiting some places. Sometimes the things happened naturally, I felt that now my working days in Mumbai over so I used that time to visiting places and I like to sit on marine drive at night if its rain then wonderful and it happened consecutively for 3 days I went to marine drive 1st day sitting alone with umbrella as it was raining. On second day, had lunch with sean in the restaurant where we had 3 years back. On 3rd day again with Bargav enjoying Breeze and beauty of that place, and after couple of days I felt my days are over now and it happens.
                                                Bhargav and Me at Marine Drive


The six month of my professional life in Mumbai was wonderful because of Couch Surfing group, company mate and the spiritual part. On last week of September I got transferred to Delhi for another new project. But in week I had some exam in Mumbai so I return  to Mumbai for couple of days. I reached Mumbai on 29th Sept. and on 30th morning I got new from my mom that Goenkaji passed away in night on 29th sept. I was shocked  and confirmed the news from friends and it was true, and after exam on 30th in evening I went to Goenkaji’s Resident to see him and pay homage. It was crowded in his home so very few min I got to see him but I couldn’t resist myself to pay homage again n again and I had to leave after some time and stayed at Joshua’s place it was nice to see him again.

                                             At His Residence

On next morning I went to Goenkaji’s funeral procession. It was big Que to see him last time outside his residence. I met some people from my home town and surprised that they came far to just pay homage and see Goenkaji one last time. The truck was decorated to carry his body. Monks chanted in front of truck for 1hour, one renowned monk named Gyan Jyoti from my native place now he is also Vipassana teacher leads the monk group for chanting. The Goenkaji loaded into truck to carry him to cremation ground which was 3-4kms away. Bhikku Sangha  was ahead followed by truck and rest of the crowd, all were wearing white cloths. I was with swayam (friend from DG) with his wife walking with crowd. His wife amazed of big crowed and said although Goenkaji said he is not “Guru” then also these people come. While walking near to that truck I saw some people on road paid homage with folded hand even they don’t know about goenkaji because such crowd was there with Bhikku sangha. One young guy came to me and asked me who is he? I just replied type Vipassana on Google and you will get answer.

Last Journey :(

Crowed its very long might be 1km

Crowed Outside  Cremation  ground at Oshivara Mumbai watching Funeral on TV

I felt something different a feeling of satisfaction and sadness. Satisfaction because I am lucky to attained that great man Last journey and Sad because I am no longer see him afterwards. I am so grateful this person. I think I have to stop here. Next time I come with New Adventure.